We live in a society full of big dreams and dream chasers. Multiple outlets telling us to never give up chasing our dreams, to keep dreaming big, but that often looks like us being encouraged to actively pursue said dream in some tangible way. Otherwise, you’re “letting your dreams die.” What if we began holding our dreams tightly in our hearts, recognizing God has placed a strong pull in our lives towards something, while also holding those dreams loosely in our hands? Consider the strongest desire of your heart; the dream in you that you so badly want to pursue. Have you surrendered it to God lately? Have you gone to him and asked, “Is this dream for ME? Or am I preparing the way for someone else?” We read in 1 Chronicles 28 David’s charge to Israel. He explains in verses 2-3 his heart’s desire to build a house for the Lord and how he had already planned it out. But, God says to him, “You may not build a house for my name, for you are a man of war and have shed blood.” (v.3 ESV)...
I'll be sharing bits and pieces of the things God is doing in my heart each month. Things that are heavy on my heart and I feel compelled to write down- whether it is read by other eyes or not. This is simply an easy way to be authentic sharing the current happenings in this life as mom and wife. With many decisions ahead of me everyday, there is only one way to make them- through prayerfully walking with the Lord and leaning in to hear his voice above the chaos around me.