I have less than one week left of summer vacation. One week to soak up time with my kids before I step into a new season I thought wouldn't come for a few more years- if ever. Back in January, I wrote about holding dreams tightly in the heart and loosely in the hands. In the midst of a Bible study with friends, I had come to the point of accepting I may never serve families and children with special needs in the capacity I desired again. I had come to the point of saying, "Volunteering for Buddy Break may be where I serve. I'll show my kids how we love on these families. I'll let you (Lord) use me where you will. You gave me this heart for these families. Lead me to where I should go and guide me in how to serve. Help my heart to be content in this season. " Fast forward to April sometime. I was sitting with my dear friend, sipping lattes at our favorite spot, enjoying our once weekly coffee date. Special ed came up (naturally, as she's a teacher). The ...
Why is it, so many of us have an unrealistic expectation and idea of what Bible study needs to look like? Perhaps we have watched others have “successful” Bible study by spending hours studying and journaling. Maybe we have experienced a retreat-like environment, where we were able to shut off all the noise and soak in the presence of God, so we crave that same experience every time we sit down with our Bible. I always want my devotion time to be fruitful, but I realized I had placed an unbelievably high expectation on myself for making my time with the Lord “perfect” and “pretty.” Sometimes, my quiet time is far from quiet. But that doesn’t mean the Lord doesn’t speak to me. Here are three intentional steps to help you make the most out of your quiet time in the Word — regardless of what is going on around you! 1 - Pray for eagerness and a heart change ( Hg 1:1-11 ). In the book of Haggai, the remnant of Israel has returned o...