I remember feeling anxious one morning before going on the platform to lead my college peers in worship. I remember feeling a rush of the Holy Spirit come over me, "You're standing on holy ground." I was shaken. Confused. Liberated. I asked the campus pastor if I could take my shoes off. His answer: "Go for it!" There I was, walking onto the stage to lead worship, barefoot . I definitely remember feeling silly, especially when I had friends ask me where my shoes were. From that day on, for a season, every time I led worship with my incredible team, I was barefoot. I know, it sounds crazy. In Exodus 3, Moses has an encounter with God via a burning bush. He sees the bush on fire, but not quite engulfed, and thinks he'll take a look around to maybe see what the heck is going on. How is this bush on fire, but not completely on fire? But, he doesn't get the chance to investigate. Take a look at what it reads in verses 4-6: When the Lord saw th...
I'll be sharing bits and pieces of the things God is doing in my heart each month. Things that are heavy on my heart and I feel compelled to write down- whether it is read by other eyes or not. This is simply an easy way to be authentic sharing the current happenings in this life as mom and wife. With many decisions ahead of me everyday, there is only one way to make them- through prayerfully walking with the Lord and leaning in to hear his voice above the chaos around me.