Sitting in a rocker, in the dark, a sound machine blasting "beach waves," I forget about the chaos of the day for a moment. The frustrating moments. The tantrums. The nap refusals. The sass. And I just hold on to this moment, rocking my big 4 year old as he falls asleep in my lap. His face isn’t that of a baby anymore. He’s a little boy now. Growing and changing every single day. When he asks to cuddle, everything else stops, because one day will be the last day he requests to snuggle his mama. I know there are trials ahead. I know the frustration, worry, overall consuming “mom life” is not going to end or get easier- it will just change as he gets older. And I’ll find ways to adapt and change with him. I’ll still be relying on many minute prayers throughout my day. Still relying on Jesus to get me through it. And still relying on my favorite coffee shop to supply me with quality caffeine & peaceful escape. But for now, I’m going to sit in the moment. Sit with...
I'll be sharing bits and pieces of the things God is doing in my heart each month. Things that are heavy on my heart and I feel compelled to write down- whether it is read by other eyes or not. This is simply an easy way to be authentic sharing the current happenings in this life as mom and wife. With many decisions ahead of me everyday, there is only one way to make them- through prayerfully walking with the Lord and leaning in to hear his voice above the chaos around me.