In February of this year, a friend of mine asked if I would run the Disney Wine and Dine Half-Marathon November 8th with her. I laughed at first. Then, I thought about how this is something that has been on my bucket list to do since moving to Florida 7 years ago. I never did it though. I was terrified to run such a long distance, especially alone. But, now was the perfect time to say yes. What could be more magical than running 13.1 miles through Disney World? Through the Magic Kingdom and Cinderella's Castle? And with friends! Nothing. So, I began right away. Half-marathon training became my big focus. I began running again. It was a slow start, as I hadn't run since my last race (a Disney 10k in February 2019). A whole year of essentially no running. I was so happy to see my pace hadn't completely gone out the window and I could still average a 13-14 minute mile. Along this journey, COVID happened. I kept training, not knowing, but over time assum...
I'll be sharing bits and pieces of the things God is doing in my heart each month. Things that are heavy on my heart and I feel compelled to write down- whether it is read by other eyes or not. This is simply an easy way to be authentic sharing the current happenings in this life as mom and wife. With many decisions ahead of me everyday, there is only one way to make them- through prayerfully walking with the Lord and leaning in to hear his voice above the chaos around me.