In February of this year, a friend of mine asked if I would run the Disney Wine and Dine Half-Marathon November 8th with her. I laughed at first.
Then, I thought about how this is something that has been on my bucket list to do since moving to Florida 7 years ago. I never did it though. I was terrified to run such a long distance, especially alone.
But, now was the perfect time to say yes.
What could be more magical than running 13.1 miles through Disney World? Through the Magic Kingdom and Cinderella's Castle? And with friends!
So, I began right away. Half-marathon training became my big focus. I began running again. It was a slow start, as I hadn't run since my last race (a Disney 10k in February 2019). A whole year of essentially no running. I was so happy to see my pace hadn't completely gone out the window and I could still average a 13-14 minute mile.
Along this journey, COVID happened. I kept training, not knowing, but over time assuming, my Disney race would be canceled. In July I registered for a local, back-up race... I was taking the risk of doing two half-marathons a month apart. But, shortly after, Run Disney announced the race cancellation.
I actually cried. Real tears. I was crushed.
I was also thankful I had signed up for a back-up race.
There were a lot of reasons for the emotions I felt. I lost some of my motivation, but I kept going knowing I still had 13.1 miles to run; although they wouldn't be quite as magical.
I continued to set mini goals. Some I hit or surpassed. Others, I missed the mark and was disappointed in myself.
But I kept going.
I continued to run the miles. I also started adding in more strength training, stretching, and muscle recovery techniques.
Even though I missed the mark on some of my mini goals, I kept my focus on the end goal: completing the race.
There were many times throughout training I was reminded how similar race training is to my relationship with Christ.
It's far from perfect. My heart and mind are continually being trained and transformed; yet I sometimes miss the mark in my personal relationship with Christ and sometimes in relationships He has placed in my life.
But I can't give up. I have to keep my focus on the END GOAL: eternal life with Christ.
I must continue to train, through reading the Word, being part of community, and serving my church.
There will always be bumps in the road. There will be suffering and heartache; things I can't control or understand.
There will also be joy and revelation! New relationships and opportunities to serve the body of Christ that God will call me to. He will use my prior training and his Spirit to equip me, while also growing me throughout the process.
I will never be perfect. I may never reach some of my goals and I will certainly experience heartache and struggle along the way.
But, I've got the best coach; Jesus. I am also surrounded by many training partners who are equally as excited to serve the Lord, learn, and grow.
The running community is something special. Its supportive, no matter how fast or slow you may be. It's a community of people who come together to do and enjoy the same thing.
What a wonderful idea, to experience the Body of Christ in the same way: a group of people who come together to genuinely serve and uplift one another every step of the way.
We don't need to know everyone's training journey to love and support them when we're all focused on one end goal: eternity with our Savior.
Keep training and building your strength in Christ. With that, you're sure to finish the race well through HIS strength alone.
"He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:24
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