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Showing posts from November, 2020

To this I Cling

What a year to start a writing journey again. There's something therapeutic about putting thoughts into words and sharing with others, but not for  others. I don't keep track of how many views my blog gets. I don't share it more than once, right after it's been published. It's more for me than it is you, but I enjoy sharing because maybe  the Spirit of God will prompt something in YOU as you read something I've written.  Maybe, you'll discover you're "not the only one." Maybe you will read a scripture, start digging further, and then meet with God in a way you never have before OR haven't in a long time.  Whatever brought you here, I'm happy to share with you. My words are simply an outlet to share what's in my heart; a tangible step to being real with others.  We are living in some tense times. A lot of things that have been causing heartache for generations are boiling to the surface or out right exploding. There are things happ...