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Showing posts from January, 2020

What if the only requirement was loving Jesus?

As some of us have discovered via google searches, the internet is flooded with articles & blogs with lists & ways to set expectations for serving in different areas of church ministry. They list skills and character traits that are important to possess & are (sometimes) critical to that area of ministry. One article I saw actually listed “spiritual maturity” as one of the requirements- stating new &/or immature Christians couldn’t serve. *smacks hand to forehead*  But, what if the only requirement was loving Jesus? Seeking Him? Being willing to have quick (or deep) discussions about how your heart is & being authentic about it all? Isn’t that how we grow spiritually? By walking alongside others who have had different experiences, who are currently walking in relationship with Christ & loving Him with their whole self? If spiritual maturity is a requirement to serve, then none of us should be serving because we won’t reach that till we get to Heaven. ...

Bloom Bravely

I’ve been spending time studying Ephesians prepping for an upcoming Bible study. While doing so, I began asking the Lord to reveal my “word” or “phrase” for this year. It’s something I didn’t start doing until last year when I was challenged to do so by my sister-in-law. It’s interesting how perfect last years word (brave) was & even more interesting how it’s creeping into this years phrase- “ bloom  bravely.” *GULP* I know what happened throughout the last year and the areas I had to believe in God and be “brave.” But now, “ bloom bravely ... “ that just sounds like a (possibly painful) growth year. I’ve been struggling to be content in this season of 24/7 “mommy.” The feelings of guilt & frustration, like my 5 years of hard work & masters degree are simply a memory & complete waste of time/money...a piece of paper sitting in a nice folder, inside my hopechest. Yes- it seems over dramatic. Maybe it’s because I really never intended on this being my life....