December, the holiday season, Christmas. This time of year brings me more stress and anxiety than it does joy on most occasions. However, this year (2020), I am trying my best to keep my heart and mind focused on Jesus. The past few years, we as a family have had a short Advent devotional/story we read through each night. The first few days are fine, but then I quickly become irritated and overwhelmed by "one more thing to do." Forgetting completely about Jesus. Wishing it would just be December 26th. Something is different in me this year. Yes, I still have my frantic, overwhelmed moments and days. Yes, I still feel anxious about the extra stuff that comes with the holidays. But, my heart is much more focused on Jesus . As a mom, I want to control many things; I've actually always been this way, motherhood just exasperated it. I'm slowly, daily, learning and being reminded I'm not in control of everything . My prayer in this season has become...
I'll be sharing bits and pieces of the things God is doing in my heart each month. Things that are heavy on my heart and I feel compelled to write down- whether it is read by other eyes or not. This is simply an easy way to be authentic sharing the current happenings in this life as mom and wife. With many decisions ahead of me everyday, there is only one way to make them- through prayerfully walking with the Lord and leaning in to hear his voice above the chaos around me.